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The referenced Ballot Harvesting and GOP information on this page was current as of March 2023.

Alabama GOP group link


Alabama GOP take action & representative link

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Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Alabama law allows only a voter to return their absentee ballot. It states that “the voter shall seal his or her ballot in the plain envelope, place that plain envelope inside the affidavit envelope, complete the affidavit, have a notary public (or other officer authorized to acknowledge oaths) or two witnesses witness his or her signature to the affidavit, and forward it by United States mail to the absentee election manager or hand it to him or her in person.”

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Google County + State = to find your district.

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Google district + GOP leader = to find your local representative in your area.

Alaska GOP group link


Alaska GOP take action link

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Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org  for current information

Alaska law allows a representative to return an absentee ballot for a voter who qualifies for a special needs ballot and specifies who may not act as a representative. It states the following.

“A qualified voter with a disability who, because of that disability, is unable to go to a polling place to vote may vote a special needs ballot. … The representative shall deliver the ballot and voter certificate to an election official not later than 8:00 p.m. Alaska time on election day. … The voter’s employer, an agent of the voter’s employer, or an officer or agent of the voter’s union may not act as a representative for the voter. A candidate for office at an election may not act as a representative for a voter in the election.”

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Arkansas GOP link


Arkansas Ballot Harvesting Laws  

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Arkansas law permits a designated bearer to return absentee ballots for up to two voters, an authorized agent to return ballots for up to two voters who are “in a hospital or long-term care or residential care facility licensed by the state,” and an administrator to return ballots for “any voter who is a patient of a long-term care or residential care facility licensed by the state and who authorizes the administrator to obtain an absentee ballot on his or her behalf.”

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Google County + State = to find your district.

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Arizona state GOP group link


Arizona district lookup link


Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Arizona permits a family member, household member, or caregiver to return a voter’s absentee ballot. It establishes the collection of early ballots by anyone outside those groups as a class 6 felony. The law states the following:

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California state GOP group link


California GOP events link



Ballot Harvesting Laws  

Please see the following website for current information:

California law states that “ a person voting by mail ballot may designate another person to return the ballot if the voter cannot do so themselves and that those who return ballots on behalf of others may not receive compensation based on the number of ballots returned.”

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Colorado GOP link


Colorado County look up link

Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see the following website for current information:

Colorado, “vote-by-mail ballots can be delivered on a voter’s behalf by any person they choose. Only an authorized agent of the county clerk and recorder or designated election official may return more than 10 ballots.”

Colorado law states that a voter may deliver “the ballot to any person of the elector’s own choice or to any duly authorized agent of the county clerk and recorder or designated election official for mailing or personal delivery; except that no person other than a duly authorized agent of the county clerk and recorder or designated election official may receive more than ten mail ballots in any election for mailing or delivery.”


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Connecticut GOP link


Connecticut GOP get involved link

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Ballot Harvesting Laws  

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Connecticut, a designee may return the ballot of a voter who obtained an absentee ballot due to illness or disability, and an immediate family member may return a ballot for a student.

Registrar of voters in the municipality in which the applicant resides.

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Delaware GOP link


Delaware GOP volunteer link


Delaware GOP events link


Ballot Harvesting Laws  

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Delaware law does not specify whether someone can return an absentee ballot on a voter’s behalf. It states the following:

“The elector shall return the sealed ballot envelope to the Department by:

1. Depositing it in a United States postal mailbox, thereby mailing it to the Department; or

2. Delivering it, or causing it to be delivered, to the Department before the polls close on the day of the election.”




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Florida GOP link


Ballot Harvesting Laws  

Please see ballotpedia.org  for current information

Florida law allows “a person of the voter’s choice—except for an employer, an agent of the employer, or a union officer or agent—to assist in casting mail ballots of voters needing assistance due to blindness, disability, or inability to read or write.”

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Georgia GOP link


Georgia GOP volunteer link


Ballot Harvesting Laws  

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Georgia, a voter with a “physical disability may have their absentee ballot returned by a family member (defined by the law) or a household member. Voters confined to a hospital can vote an absentee ballot immediately upon delivery by a registrar or absentee ballot clerk and return it to the official.”

The law states that absentee ballot “delivery by a physically disabled elector may be made by any adult person upon satisfactory proof that such adult person is such elector’s mother, father, grandparent, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, spouse, son, daughter, niece, nephew, grandchild, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, or an individual residing in the household of such disabled elector. An elector who is confined to a hospital on a primary or election day to whom an absentee ballot is delivered by the registrar or absentee ballot clerk shall then and there vote the ballot, seal it properly, and return it to the registrar or absentee ballot clerk.”

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Hawaii GOP link


Hawaii GOP get involved link

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Hawaii Ballot Harvesting Laws  

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Hawaii law does not specify whether someone may return a mail ballot on behalf of someone else.

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Idaho GOP link


Idaho Grassroots training link


Idaho GOP get involved link


Idaho Ballot Harvesting Laws  

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Idaho law does not specify whether someone may return a mail ballot on behalf of someone else.

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Illinois GOP link


Illinois GOP Grassroots link


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Illinois GOP chairman link

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Illinois local GOP look up link

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Illinois GOP contact link


Illinois Ballot Harvesting Laws  

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Illinois law allows vote-by-mail ballots to be delivered in person by any person the voter authorizes or by a company licensed as a motor carrier of property by the state. In the case of voters who

are physically incapacitated or hospitalized, an employee of the facility the voter is in may place the ballot in the mail. Illinois law states the voter must do a series of steps in sealing their absentee ballot in the return envelope.

Illinois law also contains a section for absentee voting by individuals who have been “admitted to a hospital, nursing home, or rehabilitation center due to an illness or physical injury not more than 14 days before an election.” Such voters may have anyone registered to vote in the same precinct as them or a legal relative to obtain and return their mail ballot.

Read more at www.Ballotpedia.org

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Indiana GOP link


Indiana GOP join the team link


Indiana GOP events link


Indiana Ballot Harvesting Laws  

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information


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Iowa GOP link


Iowa GOP contact link


Illinois Ballot Harvesting Laws  

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

On June 8, 2021, Governor Kim Reynolds (R) signed SF568 into law, making a series of changes to Iowa’s absentee/mail-in voting laws. SF568 established that “no person other than the registered voter, an individual who lives in the same household as the registered voter, an immediate family member of the registered voter … or a delivery agent acting on behalf of a registered voter who is unable to return the registered voter’s own ballot due to reason of blindness or other disability” can return a completed absentee/mail-in ballot (a delivery agent is defined as “an individual registered to vote in this state who has been designated to return a completed absentee ballot … by another registered voter who is unable to return the registered voter’s own absentee ballot due to reason of blindness or other disability;” an immediate family member is defined as “an individual related to a registered voter within the fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity”). A delivery agent cannot more than two completed absentee/mail-in ballots per election.

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Kansas GOP link


Kansas local GOP link

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Kansas Ballot Harvesting Laws  

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Kansas, a person designated in writing by the voter may return their advance ballot on their behalf. The written requirement is waived for voters with a disability preventing them from writing.

Please go to www.ballotpedia for more information.

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Kentucky GOP link


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Kentucky Ballot Harvesting Laws  

Please see the following website for current information:


Kentucky, any person helping a voter cast their absentee ballot must complete a voter assistance form stating that the voter requires assistance due to disability, blindness, or inability to read English.

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Louisiana GOP link


Louisiana GOP get involved link


Louisiana Ballot Harvesting Laws  

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Louisiana, someone who signs a statement that they have the authorization of the voter to hand-deliver the voter’s absentee ballot may do so. Only an immediate family member may hand-deliver more than one ballot.

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Maine GOP link


Maine GOP volunteer link


Maine Ballot Harvesting Laws  

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Maine law says that a ‘third person may obtain and return absentee ballots for voters, but that the third person may not be a candidate or an immediate family member of a candidate. It also states that the third person cannot have more than five absentee ballots outstanding at a time.’

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Maryland GOP link


Maryland GOP events link

Maryland Ballot Harvesting Laws  

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Maryland, an authorized agent designated in writing by a voter may pick up and return their absentee ballot. The agent must be at least 18 years old and may not be a candidate. The law states the following:

Please see www.ballotpedia.org for more information.

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Massachusetts GOP link


Massachusetts GOP get involved link


Massachusetts Ballot Harvesting Laws  

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Massachusetts law permits a family member to return an absentee ballot on behalf of a voter. A person in a healthcare facility may return it to the election official who delivered the ballot or, at the clerk’s discretion, to an individual designated in writing who is not a candidate.

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Michigan GOP link


Michigan GOP get involved link


Michigan Ballot Harvesting Laws  

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

“Michigan law permits a household member or a family member (defined by law), or an election official if those options are not available, to return a voter’s absentee ballot.


All of the following actions are violations of the Michigan election law and are illegal in this state:

(1) To vote an absent voter ballot at a meeting or gathering at which other people are voting absent voter ballots.

(2) For a person who is assisting an absent voter in marking the ballot to suggest or in any manner attempt to influence the absent voter on how he or she should vote.

(3) For a person who is present and knows that a person is voting an absent voter ballot to suggest or in any manner attempt to influence the absent voter on how he or she should vote.

(4) For a person other than those listed in these instructions to return, offer to return, agree to return, or solicit to return an absent voter ballot to the clerk.

(5) For a person other than the absent voter; a person listed in these instructions; or a person whose job it is to handle mail before, during, or after being transported by a public postal service, express mail service, parcel post service, or common carrier, but only during the normal course of his or her employment to be in possession of a voted or unvoted absent voter ballot.”

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Minnesota GOP link


Minnesota GOP training link

Training Center

Minnesota Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Minnesota, a designated agent can return absentee ballots on behalf of not more than three voters. State law establishes that tampering with a ballot or failing to immediately deliver the ballot is a misdemeanor.

According to the law, “The voter may designate an agent to deliver in person the sealed absentee ballot return envelope to the county auditor or municipal clerk or to deposit the return envelope in the mail. An agent may deliver or mail the return envelopes of not more than three voters in any election. Any person designated as an agent who tampers with either the return envelope or the voted ballots or does not immediately mail or deliver the return envelope to the county auditor or municipal clerk is guilty of a


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Mississippi GOP link


Mississippi local GOP look up link

Local GOP Groups

Mississippi Ballot Harvesting Laws  

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Mississippi law does not specify whether someone may return absentee ballots on voters’ behalf.

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Google County + State = to find your district.

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Missouri GOP link


Missouri GOP volunteer link


Missouri GOP County Chairs

County Chairs

Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Missouri, an absentee ballot may be returned in person by a relative (defined by the law) or by a team of election authorities.

Missouri law states that “each absentee ballot that is not cast by the voter in person in the office of the election authority shall be returned to the election authority in the ballot envelope and shall only be returned by the voter in person, or in person by a relative of the voter who is within the second degree of consanguinity or affinity, by mail or registered carrier or by a team of deputy election authorities; except that covered voters, when sent from a location determined by the secretary of state to be inaccessible on election day, shall be allowed to return their absentee ballots cast by use of facsimile transmission or under a program approved by the Department of Defense for electronic transmission of election materials.

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Montana GOP link


Montana GOP chairman look up link

County Chairs

Montana Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Montana law states that an ‘authorized individual may collect ballots and specifies that the person may be a caregiver, household member, family member, or acquaintance. The law says that the authorized individual cannot return more than six ballots.’

Please see www.ballotpedia.org for more information.

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Nebraska GOP link


Nebraska GOP volunteer link


Nebraska local GOP look up link


Nebraska Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Nebraska allows a voter to appoint an agent to obtain and return their mail ballot. The law specifies that the agent may not be a candidate or member of a campaign committee unless they are a member of the voter’s family. It also states that someone cannot serve as an agent for more than two voters.

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Google County + State = to find your district.

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Nevada GOP link


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Nevada Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Nevada, a person authorized by the voter may return a mail ballot at the request of a voter.

The law says, “[A]t the request of a voter whose mail ballot has been prepared by or on behalf of the voter, a person authorized by the voter may return the mail ballot on behalf of the voter by mail or personal delivery to the county clerk, or any ballot drop box established in the county[.]

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Google County + State = to find your district.

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New Hampshire GOP link


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New Hampshire Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

New Hampshire law specifies that a voter’s absentee ballot may be returned by a family member (defined by the law), nursing home administrator or staff member, or residential care facility administrator or staff member. The law also specifies that an individual assisting a voter who is blind or has a disability may return an absentee ballot upon signing a statement on the affidavit envelope and that such individual may not return more than four ballots unless they are a family member, nursing home administrator/staff, or residential care facility administrator/staff.

Please see www.ballotpedia.org for more information.

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New Jersey GOP link


New Jersey GOP volunteer link




New Jersey Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

New Jersey, an authorized messenger may return mail-in ballots for a voter. The messenger may not be a candidate and can return no more than three voters’ ballots. The law states the following:

“No person shall serve as an authorized messenger or as a bearer for more than three qualified voters in an election. No person who is a candidate in the election for which the voter requests a mail-in ballot shall be permitted to serve as an authorized messenger or bearer. The bearer, by signing the certification provided for in section 12 of P.L.2009, c.79 (C.19:63-12), certifies that he or she received a mail-in ballot directly from the voter, and no other person, and is authorized to deliver the ballot to the appropriate board of election or designee on behalf of the voter.”

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New Mexico GOP link


New Mexico GOP volunteer

Volunteer with RPNM


New Mexico GOP chairman look up link


New Mexico Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

New Mexico law states that a caregiver or immediate family member (defined by the law) can return a voter’s absentee ballot.

“A. A voter, caregiver to that voter or member of that voter’s immediate family may deliver that voter’s absentee ballot to the county clerk in person or by mail; provided that the voter has subscribed the official mailing envelope of the absentee ballot.

1. As used in this section, “immediate family” means the spouse, children, parents or siblings of a voter.

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New York GOP link


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New York Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

New York law does not specify whether someone may return mail ballots on behalf of voters.

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Google County + State = to find your district.

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North Carolina GOP link


North Carolina GOP volunteer link

North Carolina GOP events link


 North Carolina GOP training link


North Carolina Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

North Carolina law states that a near relative or legal guardian may return a voter’s absentee ballot. It is a class I felony for anyone else to return absentee ballots on behalf of others.

The law says that absentee ballots “shall be transmitted by mail or by commercial courier service, at the voter’s expense, or delivered in person, or by the voter’s near relative or verifiable legal guardian and received by the county board not later than 5:00 p.m. on the day of the statewide primary or general election or county bond election.”

State law also says that it is a class I felony for “any person to take into that person’s possession for delivery to a voter or for return to a county board of elections the absentee ballot of any voter, provided, however, that this prohibition shall not apply to a voter’s near relative or the voter’s verifiable legal guardian.”

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Google County + State = to find your district.

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North Dakota GOP link


North Dakota GOP volunteer link


North Dakota Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

North Dakota, an absentee voter can name an agent in a written authorization. The agent cannot be a candidate for office, cannot accept compensation for acting as agent, and can serve as agent for no more than four voters.

“Upon receipt of an application for an official ballot properly filled out and duly signed, or as soon thereafter as the official ballot for the precinct in which the applicant resides has been prepared, the county auditor, city auditor, or business manager of the school district, as the case may be, shall send to the absent voter by mail, at the expense of the political subdivision conducting the election, one official ballot, or personally deliver the ballot to the applicant or the applicant’s agent, which agent may not, at that time, be a candidate for any office to be voted upon by the absent voter. The agent shall sign the agent’s name before receiving the ballot and deposit with the auditor or business manager of the school district, as the case may be, authorization in writing from the applicant to receive the ballot or according to requirements set forth for signature by mark. The auditor or business manager of the school district, as the case may be, may not provide an absent voter’s ballot to a person acting as an agent who cannot provide a signed, written authorization from an applicant. No person may receive compensation, including money, goods, or services, for acting as an agent for an elector, nor may a person act as an agent for more than four electors in any one election.

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Ohio GOP link


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2023 Republican Leaders

Ohio Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Ohio law allows a family member (defined by the law) to return a voter’s absentee ballot. It says the following:

“The elector shall mail the identification envelope to the director from whom it was received in the return envelope, postage prepaid, or the elector may personally deliver it to the director, or the spouse of the elector, the father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandfather, grandmother, brother, or sister of the whole or half blood, or the son, daughter, adopting parent, adopted child, stepparent, stepchild, uncle, aunt, nephew, or niece of the elector may deliver it to the director.”

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Oklahoma GOP link



Oklahoma GOP contact link


Oklahoma Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Oklahoma law does not specify whether someone may return mail ballots on behalf of voters. It does specify that a notary public may not do so. It says the following:

“Neither a notary public nor an agent working on behalf of a notary public shall be authorized to: … Submit a completed absentee ballot on behalf of a voter other than for himself or herself.”

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Oregon GOP link

Oregon GOP events link

Oregon Ballot Harvesting Laws
Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Oregon law permits a person to return mail ballots on behalf of voters. It says that a person who is not an election official cannot collect ballots within a certain distance of an election office and must display a sign at such collection site noting that it is not an official dropoff site.

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Google County + State = to find your district.
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Pennsylvania GOP link


Pennsylvania GOP volunteer link


Pennsylvania Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

In Pennsylvania, a voter who qualifies for an emergency absentee ballot may authorize in writing a representative to return their ballot. If an authorized representative is not available, a deputy sheriff or constable may deliver and return the emergency ballot.

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Google County + State = to find your district.

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Google district + GOP leader = to find your local representative in your area.

Rhode Island GOP link


Rhode Island GOP volunteer link


Rhode Island Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Rhode Island law does not specify whether someone may return mail ballots on behalf of voters.

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Google County + State = to find your district.

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Google district + GOP leader = to find your local representative in your area.

South Carolina GOP link


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South Carolina GOP stay in touch link

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South Carolina Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see the following website for current information:



In South Carolina, an absentee ballot may be returned by someone authorized by the voter to do so. The authorized person cannot be a candidate or paid campaign worker unless that candidate or worker is a member of the voter’s immediate family. The law states the following:

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South Dakota GOP link


South Dakota GOP volunteer link



South Dakota Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

South Dakota law states that an authorized messenger may deliver a voter’s absentee ballot and that a messenger for more than one voter must notify the person in charge of the election of all voters they are the messenger for.

“An authorized messenger shall deliver the absentee ballot to the person in charge of the election unless there is not sufficient time for the person in charge of the election to transmit the absentee ballot to the voter’s home precinct. In that instance, the authorized messenger shall personally deliver the absentee ballot to the precinct superintendent of the voter’s home precinct. If the authorized messenger requests a receipt when returning the absentee ballot, the person in charge of the election shall provide the authorized messenger a receipt.”

State law further says, “If a person is an authorized messenger for more than one voter, he must notify the person in charge of the election of all voters for whom he is a messenger.

How to Find Information in Your Area

Google County + State = to find your district.

Then, Google district + local GOP group = to find the local GOP, contact info and volunteer info.

Google district + GOP leader = to find your local representative in your area.

Tennessee GOP link


Tennessee GOP volunteer link


Tennessee GOP events link


Tennessee Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Tennessee law does not specify whether someone may return mail ballots on behalf of voters.

How to Find Information in Your Area

Google County + State = to find your district.

Then, Google district + local GOP group = to find the local GOP, contact info and volunteer info.

Google district + GOP leader = to find your local representative in your area.

Texas GOP link



Texas GOP events link

RPT Events Map

Texas Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

In Texas, a household member, relative (defined by the law) or person lawfully assisting a voter eligible for assistance due to disability or inability to read the ballot may return their mail ballot. The law places restrictions on who can assist eligible voters. State law provides crime classifications for different types

of violations.

Read here for more information regarding laws in Texas

How to Find Information in Your Area

Google County + State = to find your district.

Then, Google district + local GOP group = to find the local GOP, contact info and volunteer info.

Google district + GOP leader = to find your local representative in your area.

Utah GOP link


Utah GOP volunteer link


Utah Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Utah law does not specify whether someone may return mail ballots on behalf of voters.

How to Find Information in Your Area

Google County + State = to find your district.

Then, Google district + local GOP group = to find the local GOP, contact info and volunteer info.

Google district + GOP leader = to find your local representative in your area.

Vermont GOP link


Vermont GOP volunteer link


Vermont GOP events link


Vermont Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Vermont law does not specify whether someone may return mail ballots on behalf of voters.

How to Find Information in Your Area

Google County + State = to find your district.

Then, Google district + local GOP group = to find the local GOP, contact info and volunteer info.

Google district + GOP leader = to find your local representative in your area.

Virginia GOP link


Virginia GOP volunteer link


Virginia Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Virginia law allows a designated representative to return an emergency ballot for a voter who is incapacitated or hospitalized. The representative must complete a statement, in which false statement is considered a felony.

How to Find Information in Your Area

Google County + State = to find your district.

Then, Google district + local GOP group = to find the local GOP, contact info and volunteer info.

Google district + GOP leader = to find your local representative in your area.

Washington GOP link


Washington GOP volunteer link

Take Action

Washington GOP chairman look up link

Chairman & Staff

Washington Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Washington law does not specify whether someone may return mail ballots on behalf of voters.

How to Find Information in Your Area

Google County + State = to find your district.

Then, Google district + local GOP group = to find the local GOP, contact info and volunteer info.

Google district + GOP leader = to find your local representative in your area.

West Virginia GOP link


West Virginia GOP volunteer link


West Virginia GOP call to action link

Call to Action

West Virginia Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

West Virginia law does not specify who may return absentee ballots, but it says a person may not return more than two ballots and must certify that they haven’t examined or altered the ballot. State law also lays out crime classifications and penalties for different types of behavior related to absentee ballots.

The law says, “Absentee ballots which are hand delivered are to be accepted if they are received by the official designated to supervise and conduct absentee voting no later than the day preceding the election: Provided, That no person may hand deliver more than two absentee ballots in any election and any person hand delivering an absentee ballot is required to certify that he or she has not examined or altered the ballot. Any person who makes a false certification violates the provisions of article nine of this chapter and is subject to those provisions.”

How to Find Information in Your Area

Google County + State = to find your district.

Then, Google district + local GOP group = to find the local GOP, contact info and volunteer info.

Google district + GOP leader = to find your local representative in your area.

Wisconsin GOP link


Wisconsin GOP find your local party link

Find Your County Party

Wisconsin Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Wyoming law does not specify whether someone may return mail ballots on

behalf of voters.


How to Find Information in Your Area

Google County + State = to find your district.

Then, Google district + local GOP group = to find the local GOP, contact info and volunteer info.

Google district + GOP leader = to find your local representative in your area.

Wyoming GOP link


Wyoming GOP find your chairman link


Wyoming Ballot Harvesting Laws

Please see ballotpedia.org for current information

Wyoming law does not specify whether someone may return mail ballots on behalf of voters

How to Find Information in Your Area

Google County + State = to find your district.

Then, Google district + local GOP group = to find the local GOP, contact info and volunteer info.

Google district + GOP leader = to find your local representative in your area.